Assistant Librarian - 01 - GM (O)
1. Master’s Degree in Library Science / Information Science
/ Documentation Science or an equivalent professional degree with at least 55%
of the marks or its equivalent grade of 55% marks where grading system is
practiced and a consistently good academic record with knowledge on computerization
of library.
2. Qualifying in the National Eligibility Test (NET) or other
accredited test like SLET/SET in Library Science conducted for the purpose by
the UGC or any other agency approved by the UGC.
3. Holders of Ph.D degree as on the date of notification of the
UGC Regulation, along with those candidates who are awarded a Ph.D degree
through a process of admission, registration, course work and external evaluation
as laid down in the UGC (Minimum standards and procedure fro award of
M.Phil/Ph.D degree) Regulations, 2009 and so adopted by the University shall be
exempted from NET/SLET/SET.
Filled in application should reach:
The Registrar,
Kuvempu University,
Jnana Sahyadri, Shankaraghatta,
Shivamogga District, Karnataka,
PIN: 577451
Last date: 30-03-2017