ICSSR invites applications for Research
Programmes for the year 2016-17 from Indian social scientists. The abstract of
the study should be in the field of social science disciplines. Details about
eligibility, terms and conditions, etc. can be accessed and downloaded as
Research Programmes
Research Programmes
1. Guidelines
2. Application Format
The applicant must visit ICSSR website www.icssr.org under Research Projects for complete information.
The Applicants will be required to submit the following:
1. Brief Abstract of the proposal in 1500 words.
2. Composition of the Research
Team including Director/Co-Directors, Departments and/ or Collaborating
3. CV of all lead researchers,
and Institutional profile of institutions through which funding will be
Candidates will need to provide profile/certificate to show that the institution through which the project is routed. All application forms must be submitted in hard copy and soft copy (E-mail:rpicssr@gmail.com) alongwith two copies of abstract, duly forwarded as per the prescribed format to:
RP Division in-Charge
Indian Council of Social Science Research
Aruna Asaf Ali Marg
New Delhi-110067
The last date for receipt of applications is 31 July 2016.
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