Saturday, May 14, 2016

Contribute a Book Chapter


"Contemporary and Innovative Technologies for Libraries in Electronic Environment" (CITLEE - 2016)
Book edited
Mr. O. Sivasankar Prasad
Mr. Ramesh Yernagula

 Recommended topics include, but are not limited to the following:
v  Modern Trends and Best Practices in Library Management
v  Library Automation and Library Services in ICT Environment
v  Digital Libraries including Digital Preservation and Repositories
v  Institutional Repositories
v  Knowledge Management and Change Management
v  Total Quality Management in Libraries
v  Information Literacy
v  Library Consortia
v  Security Systems for Libraries (EM / RFID)
v  Social Networking and Application of Web 2.0/3.0 in Libraries
v  E-Resource Management and Open Access Resources
v  Open Source Software
v  QR Codes
v  Cloud Computing in Libraries
v  Mobile Technologies and Applications for Libraries
v  Content Management System and MOOCs
v  Plagiarism
v  Green Libraries
 Every contributor will get a copy of the book with ISBN.
Guidelines for Paper Submission:
            LIS Professionals, academicians, practitioners and researchers are invited to submit the original paper / chapter on or before 30th May 2016. Authors will be acknowledged immediately and the acceptance of the contribution will be notified till 15th June 2016. Manuscripts are accepted for consideration with the understanding that they are original and are not under consideration for publication elsewhere. All the chapters will be reviewed by subject experts in LIS field. The authors are requested to email their paper to

1.      The paper should in typed in MS Word format (Font: Times New Roman12 points) single line space followingAPA style for references.
2.      Abstract should not exceed 100-200 words and keywords are upto four (4).
3.      The paper length is about 4000 words.
4.      Generalized writings are not encouraged.
5.      The Paper / chapter submission can be forwarded through email only.
6.      Tables and Figures may be incorporated into the text of the paper as close to where they are first referred.
7.      The contributors should furnish complete title, sub title (if any), name (s) of the author(s), address and their Email IDs.
8.      Short CV of the author(s) on a separate sheet to be enclosed with the paper.
9.      Last date for submission is 30th May 2016.
10.  Notification of Acceptance of paper is 10th June 2016.


O. Sivasankar Prasad                                   Ramesh Yernagula
Librarian, Sri Venkateswara College              Deputy Director (Documentation)                 
(University of Delhi)                                       Library cum Documentation Centre,
Dhaula Kuan, New Delhi - 110 021.              Indian Council of Historical Research
Mob : 09654688098                                        35, Ferozeshah Road, New Delhi - 110 001